The Patriot Cause

American patriots take an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. The Communist Manifesto says that communism destroys all religion and all morality. We make the mistake of negotiating with these socialists just on the basis of economics when in reality it is about metaphysics and ontology (the branch of metaphysics dealing with the nature of being) - it is about attacking and destroying your values, your culture. your ideas and the foundations of your society.

Thursday Sep 14, 2023
Stand Up Against Voting Machines
Thursday Sep 14, 2023
Thursday Sep 14, 2023
Arizona Grassroots Groups Launch Multi-Solution Nationwide Crusade To Ban The Voting Machines, Restore Free And Equal Elections & Hold The Legislators Accountable For Violating Their Oaths.

Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Steve Stern Joins The Patriot Cause
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Tuesday Sep 12, 2023
Steve is the owner of and a supporter and advocate of joins the show to tells us all to do something in your precinct and county levels to become a supporter of the conservative values and help safe our country as Donald Trump is doing.
The links supporting the show, check them all out!

Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
Rep Geoff Diehl on the COS Convention Simulation
Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
Wednesday Sep 06, 2023
The states have gathered on August 2-23 in Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia, to vote on solutions to federal overreach! Watch the full event at
Get involved with your legislators to stop the tyranny of our federal government.

Monday Sep 04, 2023
Collectivist, Sheep Guided by the World
Monday Sep 04, 2023
Monday Sep 04, 2023
Understanding Collectivist Cultures is the tendency, on the individual and societal level, to view oneself as interdependent, and a member of a group, rather than as an independent being.
In collectivist cultures, people feel as if they belong to larger in-groups or collectives which care for them in exchange for loyalty.
As a result, collectivist cultures value collaboration, communalism, constructive interdependence, and conformity to roles and norms.
A collectivist culture is especially likely to emphasize the importance of social harmony, respectfulness, and group needs over individual needs.
What Is a Collectivist Culture
Law Enforcement Today Comparative Example.

Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Useful Idiots - Propaganda Pawns for the “State”
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
A Useful idiot designates a naive or credulous person who can be manipulated or exploited to advance a cause or political agenda.
A useful idiot is described as someone who supports one side of an ideological debate and at the same time is manipulated while unaware of the ultimate agenda driving an ideology they have subscribed themselves to.
“It’s a term that refers to brainwashed American Marxists who blindly support any ideology that gets themselves out of real work and causes others to pay their way.”
Useful idiots, in a broader sense, refers to Western journalists, travelers and intellectuals who gave their blessing -- often with evangelistic fervor -- to tyrannies and tyrants, thereby convincing politicians and public that utopias rather than Belsens thrived.
Intro - Konstantin Kisin: "Don't Be a Useful Idiot" - Lessons from the Soviet Union
Konstantin Kisin: Woke Culture HAS Gone Too Far - February 2023 | Oxford Union
Pawns in a Propaganda War - 1996
Alexandr Zinovev
Yuri Bezmenov - In an interview with G. Edward Griffin in 1984
Bonehead Award - Biden State of the Union Address

Friday Aug 25, 2023
Democrats Self Proclaimed Themselves as Rulers of America
Friday Aug 25, 2023
Friday Aug 25, 2023
The Democrat party has determined they are the rulers of America. This has been going on for years now, they are out of the closet full blown communist . Starting long before Obama and Biden. Mid 1850 when enlightenment was spreading across the globe, eliminating God for so called “Earthly Science”. If American cannot elect a Godly president to get us back within his blessing as a country, it is over.
The Thomas Paine Reader [A Review] Agrees, Democrats Hate America Song
The Constitution isn’t working
The United States isn’t a democracy — and was never intended to be
Perspective by Michael Todd Landisc November 6, 2018

Saturday Aug 19, 2023
Invaded: The Intentional Destruction of the American Immigration System
Saturday Aug 19, 2023
Saturday Aug 19, 2023
In the final year of the Trump presidency, America's borders were within reach of being completely secure as the daily arrests had dwindled to the lowest numbers in United States Border Patrol history. Nations south of our border, which once violated America's sovereignty and blatantly disrespected it, now adhered to our strong president who forced those nations to heel and show America respect.
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On January 20, 2021, everything changed. Since his inauguration, President Biden has intentionally destroyed the American immigration system through the manipulation of Department of Homeland Security (DHS) policies and laws. Never before in American history has our nation been invaded by millions of foreigners-all with the encouragement and direct assistance of the American government. The once proud Border Patrol has been forced to participate in the unlawful smuggling of millions of illegal aliens to their final destinations across America.
Morale within the DHS does not exist. Within the first two years of Biden's presidency, over five million illegal aliens have been arrested, with over 85% of the five million fraudulently released into our nation. Another ten million have absconded undetected because hundreds of miles of the southern border are open without a single Border Patrol Agent actively patrolling. Our nation faces a crisis created by both political parties that, if left to continue as it is, will destroy America from within.

Friday Aug 18, 2023
US Constitution Under Attack
Friday Aug 18, 2023
Friday Aug 18, 2023
The Constitution is under serious assault from the Left and by those who are incapable of understanding why the United States is the greatest country in the history of the world.
Very simply, America is built on a foundation of freedom, liberty, and individual autonomy, and on the concept of limited government. Our Constitution acknowledges that we are imbued with certain natural rights that are innate from the moment of conception.